Can I Leave My Push Mower in The Rain?
When it’s the rainy season, you may worry about whether you should store the push mower outside or inside. Again, you may forget to keep your lawn mower inside although you know it was raining. These two are common cases people are so crazy to know, can I leave my push mower in the rain?
Typically, the answer is yes but you shouldn’t let your lawn mower in the rain. Although, the little rain wouldn’t do any damage to your lawn mower. But, if rain gets inside the spark plug, engine, carburetor or fuel tank then it goes wrong.
In this guideline, let’s figure out why and when you’ve to worry about your lawn mower after getting wet in the rain.

Will My Lawn Mower Work After Being Left Out in the Rain?
In most common cases, a lawn mower works if it’s a little wet in the rain. Sometimes, you may detect some rust in the deck of your lawn mower, if it gets too wet. Also, the blade can be dull and hence you’ll face difficulties in cutting grass. These are the very little issues you’ll face after a lawn mower gets wet. These things will not cause any permanent damage and your lawn mower will also work fine!
Now, the terrible issues are when the rainwater goes inside your lawn mower. If main parts like the spark plug, carburetor, fuel tank, & engine contact with water , then the lawn mower won’t start! You need to inspect these parts and get them repaired or replace them.
Can a Lawn Mower Get Wet?
A lawn mower can get wet but it shouldn’t be in heavy rain or for a longer period. You should have to store it inside. Otherwise, the rain will get inside the important parts of your lawn mower and your lawn mower acts like it’s dead. If you don’t want to pay an extra expense or want a long-lasting mower, then never leave the lawn mower in the rain.
Gas-power lawn mowers and electric lawn mowers, both have water-sensitive parts like spark plugs, air filters, carburetor, and fuel tanks. Let’s see what happens if they get wet-
Spark Plug
Sometimes moisture attacks the spark plug which results in the mower engine not working. Because it helps to ignite the fuel and air mixture inside the cylinder of a mower. Hence, the engine works properly. So, check if the spark plug is wet or dirty!
Air Filter
If the water gets inside the air filter, then it can clog. As a result, it resists the air filter to let out sufficient air through the engine. And, finally, your engine is hard to start.
Fuel Tank
If you forget to cover up the gas tank with a lid, then water will easily enter the tank. Then, contaminated gas or fuel will not work to start the engine.
Water gets inside the carburetor causing the engine not to work. Because air and fuel mixture get through the carburetor and then directly into the engine. If the water also enters the air and fuel mixture, the engine will not start.
Moisture or rain affect the wiring system on electric lawn mowers. Generally, the wires are made of copper and insulated to protect from any short circuit. But, when they contact with water, the insulation gets ineffective. Hence, there might be a short circuit in the electric lawn mower.
Related Post: Best Push Mowers with Honda Engines in 2023
What Should I Do if My Lawnmower Gets Wet? (Step-by-Step Guideline)
If your lawnmower won’t start, then you need to do several things step by step. These are much easier and your lawn mower will be okay! Let’s know the basic steps below-
Step 1: Dry Out The Engine

The most effective step is to dry out the engine as quickly as possible. While your lawn mower gets wet in the rain, run it for at least 5 minutes. The engine will produce heat and it prevents the forming of rust. Another way is to dry out your engine in sunlight for 3-4 hours. Then, try to run out the lawn mower. It’ll be okay!
Step 2: Check The Fuel Tank
In most cases, water enters the fuel tank. So, you need to check the fuel tank if there’s any water. Remove the cap and try to check with a flashlight. When you juggle the tank, there will be something reflected in the bottom of the tank. That means water gets inside the tank.
Now, drain out the bad fuel from the tank. Make sure there’s no contaminated fuel or water in it. Fill it with fresh fuel and check if the engine works or not.
Step 3: Check the Air filter
The next component you should check is the air filter. A water-clogged air filter may resist the engine to work. You need to remove the cap of the filter and then check if this is wet or not. If it’s wet, then dry it out or replace it with a new filter.
Step 3: Check Carburetor
If you get some water in the air filter, you should also check the carburetor. In most cases, water leaks from the air filter to the carburetor. It can cause rust to the carburettor or engine. You should first remove it from the engine and then clean it properly. Try to start your engine. If it doesn’t work, move to the next step.
Step 4. Check Spark Plug
The final component you should check is the spark plug. Inspect the spark plug if it gets wet in rain. If it looks wet or dirty, then you have to dry it fast. Again, the dirty spark plug should be cleaned otherwise, the engine won’t work out.
Read Also: Does Flooding a Lawn Mower Ruin It? (All You Need to Know!)
What to Check if Your Electric Lawn Mower was Left Out in the Rain?
Electric lawnmowers need to protect themselves from any water or moisture as it can cause short circuits. If your lawnmowers get too wet, follow some basic steps to prevent any danger.
Step 1: Dry Out The Motor
The very first step is to dry out the motor as soon as possible.
You can use compressed air, a blow dryer or a fan to dry it out fast.
Step 2: Dry Out The Wiring System
If the wiring system gets too wet, take a megohm meter to read the present resistance of the outer coatings of the wire. If the insulation system gets ineffective, then you need to restore the insulation resistance of the wire.
Step 3: Disconnect The Battery
Now, disconnect the battery. You can apply an electric contact cleaner – BW-100 to the connection terminals and electrical components to dry them out. It’ll help to clean the connection and make them moisture free.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Is it OK to leave a push mower in the rain?
It is okay to leave a push mower if there’s little rain outside. It doesn’t cause any damage. But if the rain gets inside the components, you need to clean or replace them. So, you shouldn’t leave a push mower in the rain.
Can water damage a lawn mower?
Water causes damage to a lawn mower. When the water contacts the engine, carburettor, fuel line, and air filter then it causes rust. The engine also won’t work if the water gets inside the parts of the mower.
Can a Lawn Mower Be Waterproof?
A lawn mower can’t be waterproof. But, you can give your lawn mower water-resistant protection with a complete plastic cover. But, it will not completely make it waterproof or resist water.
Final Words
The ideal decision is to not leave the push mower in the rain. Although a little rain wouldn’t affect you I think you don’t like to take a risk at all. You should store the mower indoors, not outdoors.
Once it gets too wet or soaked with water, you need to repair or replace the parts. So, you have to bear the extra expense. Therefore, you can use a water resistance plastic cover to protect your lawn mower from any water, or moisture.
Hope you got your answer. That’s the end for today. Ba..bye!!
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